Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Blogging

After spending a few months deciding whether or not I was actually going to do this, here I am. I'm 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant. My husband and I are both students. Yes, it's planned. Yes, we're very excited. Yes, we do understand finances. Sometimes there are higher reasons for doing things than what seems logical to the rest of the world.

So far things have gone really well, relatively. I mean, after all, I am pregnant. I made it through the first trimester without throwing up, which I consider an achievement, seeing as I spent the last two months of  it *feeling* like I needed to. Badly. The shining, hopeful rays of the 12 week mark came, and just as I reached out to bathe my hands in the playful light, I caught my husband's cold and broke my non-hurling streak. Repeatedly. Thankfully, cherry flavoured throat lozenges aren't so bad on the way back up. And naturally, due to my pregnant immune system, the cold that came and went in a single day for dearly beloved has plagued me for a week. I think I'm almost over it.

But wait! Life isn't all doom and gloom! This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me, finally surpassing marriage and temples, which at that time had finally surpassed joining the Church. Which... no, I'll save the life story for later. Sorry folks! As I was saying, though, I'm excited about life right about now (mine and little junior's). The summer is approaching, my husband and I are flying back to our hometown (barring that cloud of volcanic ash wreaking much more havoc), he's starting a new job, we'll get to see our families, and I am looking forward to excusing myself from running faster than I have strength and enjoying this time. Back home I am looking forward to sister-in-law #1's third baby (she's due any time now), comparing notes with sister-in-law #2 (who is expecting her third near our due date), and helping sister-in-law #3 prep for her impending wedding to her army-man fiance. It's hard on her to plan with him still overseas.

On a more immediate note, we are saying our temporary goodbyes to friends out here, and getting the apartment prepped for its alone time. There's nothing worse than returning to a messy apartment, except perhaps trying to find a new one that's decent these days. We're braving it at our parents' places this summer to avoid paying double rent. Dearly beloved made his amazing Indian shrimp dish with coconut rice for the missionaries tonight, but apparently it didn't agree with his stomach as much as it agreed with our taste buds. Here's hoping he just overate. I made a concoction of orange jello and ice cream earlier today (used the ice cream to let it set instead of cold water). I'm not entirely sure if I'm brave enough to try it yet (the baby might not like it), but I didn't wait for it to set for nothing! I'll get back to you on that.

For a closing thought, I am going to steal from the missionaries' message tonight, which was based on the famous account of King Nebuchadnezzar and the God-fearing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Paying attention to Daniel 3:17-18, the three answered the King that if it be so that they should be cast into the furnace, God would deliver them from the fires and from the King. Further they state that if they are not cast in, they will still maintain their religion. Tonight's thought on the topic is that even though we may not know what path our life may take, it is important to seek the will of the Lord in each outcome. That said, I think I'm going to go check on dearly beloved.

Thanks for reading :)

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